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3 Ways to zoom into your next job

3 Ways to zoom into your next job


Welcome to the virtual world….

Where everything matters before you even open your mouth.

Well guys….. we’re here. If you have not had or participated in a virtual interview yet consider yourself lucky. Because it’s happening…. the reality is that virtual activities and interactions is becoming the new normal as COVID continues to spread and keep people home. Businesses still need a workforce so interviews are being held over google meets, zoom, and other facetiming platforms. I myself have sat in and conducted a fair share of zoom interviews and let me just say….. this list of tips is needed. Let’s just be frank for a moment…like it or not we are a visual society. What we see often denotes what we think or how we remember a person. And right now everything matters, background, lighting, outfit, and even angles. Use this list to put your best square forward so they can get to know you and not the distracting paint behind you.

  1. BACKGROUND —— Your bed is not your background. Let me say this again….ladies and gentlemen your bed is not your background. If you can see the headboard behind you so can they. And yes when you work virtually you may very well be able to do it from your bed and PJs but they don’t need to know that. Employers are looking for people with a strong work ethic you laying down doesn’t really convey that.

    Also you do not want your background to be distracting. I kid you not I had someone interview from their hospital room….. nurse kept coming in and interrupting. It was wild! While I appreciated the fact that the candidate even showed up that is not the level of work ethic I’m looking for. Your background can be just a wall in your house or any place stationary that won’t take away from you and the brilliance you have to share. Not much over thinking is needed in this area. Virtual backgrounds are also an option….. now please use the one offered as standard or drop in a still photo background. The green screen is not your friend, because to you it looks like you are in a field of sunflowers, but to us there is a sun flower over your eye and it moves every time you do because of the lighting or glare from your camera. Trust me….I’ve seen it.

  2. FROM THE SHOULDERS UP — Ok so whats great about working from home is that we don’t have to get dressed. This is why lounge wear and items of the like are so popular now. It’s like we’re home so we should be comfortable. I completely stand behind this message, however not for an interview. For the interview you are presenting your best self from the shoulders up. So consider this…. business on the top and party on the bottom.


Business on the top

Party on the bottom

Now it is possible to give too much business on the top though. For example the picture above. Though cute and good for dates or friends not okay for an interview. No. 1 being I don’t have a shirt on. Though I angled so you can not see my cleavage the illusion is there. You want to leave them wondering if you were a good fit…not if you had a shirt on or not. If wearing a collared shirt I am going to suggest to unbotton no more than the top two buttons, if you must unbotton at all. The point of the zoom interview is to let them get to know you, to allow the company to catch your vibe. If I’m distracted in anyway then I will not hear anything you have to say.


Pattern shirt solid background

This allows you and your fit to stand out and be a focal point

3. Lighting and angles —— I know this may sound like a instagram photo tutorial but you get one shot people. And once you log into this interview they are seeing you before they are listening. Thats just the truth. And theres no filters here…. in a live interview there are no glitter stars or rosey cheeks, just you Boo.. so give them the best light and angle you can. Make them focus on you, not whats around you. There are still angles on a computer. If you are on the shorter side or your computer is sitting directly at chest level prop it up on something. You really want your angle at neck or chin level, not too close but not too far either. You do not want the camera under you or shorter because then you run the risk of it being all in ya nose…and thats not a good look. You don’t want it placed too high because then you will tend to yell because you feel like the panel or interviewer is taller than you. Straight on gives you the best option to feen eye contact. If it’s a panel, choose one person to make eye contact with and whomever is in that square will feel like you are speaking directly to them. It will translate confidence through the screen.

Lighting…you do not have to have a ring light. Though they are dope, it is unnecessary when bringing your resume to life. My most significant tip here is going to be to not sit near a window. Now hear me out.. depending on where you live I know the sun gives us the best glow but over zoom it gives you the best opportunity to look like you are apart of witness protection. My suggestion here is to be near a window if you’d like but corner it to a side or position yourself closer to the screen as to block out the glare. A solid background is always best. Your energy and knowledge should be the flair, not everything around you.

Which one of this is the right interview look?

Being on camera is the same thing as walking out of your house and heading to an office, cubicle, or event. You walk out presenting your best self everyday and for an interview you want to log on with that same energy. The less distraction the better. This goes for environment, make up, and outfit. I have seen it all in these interviews from hoodies, to t-shirts, to bad lighting, to green screen fiascos. Don’t miss out on your next opportunity because you want to show all of you upfront. Treat an interview like your first date. Introduce your representative or the employee you plan to be….work the rest later.

Please comment any other suggestions I may have missed or share your zoom story?

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