Hello I am Amanda…. And I am an overpacker. There I said it. I admit it. Ok but hear me out! I like options. I dress how I feel and if I limit myself too specifically I won’t be happy on my trip. Guys this is literally how I used to think. And sometimes still do when I overthink where I’m going. I am STILL an overpacker but I think now I’m just smarter about it. Its the only way to be…..once an overpacker, always an overpacker. Let’s dive deeper, shall we. LOL
In my house when you graduated from high school my mother gifted you with a luggage set. Not necessarily a signal that you had to get out more of a notion that this will be a place that you only visit moving forward. So at 18, first time living away from home with 6 pieces of luggage. No directions just space to take all my shit. And thats what I did. I used a bag for shoes. A carry on for makeup. All of my things whatever I wanted to take could come where ever I was going. I was a walking, traveling disaster. Buuuut my luggage matched. LOL
As i started to travel more and paying to check bags became pricier I scaled down a bit. And by scaled down I mean, I learned how to stuff my life and essentials in one bag. It wasn’t until I packed for Ghana that things really had to change. I went to Ghana with a travel group and the rules were very specific on how much luggage we could bring. Also restrictions on the weight of the luggage got me scared. My worst fear was a) bag too big to go b)too heavy and they try and charge me eleven thousand to check it or c)someone in the back room steals all my underwear….listen you never know, ok. So I packed smart. I bought a new bag, hardshell, and a new carry on. I made a list. And I packed my clothes by category of excursions or events that would be happening. In each category I wrote out exactly what I was going to wear and even included an option…and it worked! I had packed so expertly that my carry on was nearly empty for souvenirs. It was perfect! I was so proud of myself, everything in its section by the door ready to go……. I over slept for my flight. Our flight to Ghana left at 7:30….I got to the airport at 6:45 y’all. Panicked and out of breath. And do you know this lady was not about to let me board the flight!!!!!
After literally 10 minutes of begging and pleading the gate agent said I could go but my suitcase could not. She wouldn’t let me check my bag. My worst fears were happening. So without missing a beat I put two hands in my suitcase grabbed a pile of clothes and my boots swiveled to the left and dropped them in my carry on and headed to the motherland. All the way to Morrocco I had no idea what I had grabbed. Can you imagine being gone for 8 days to as far as you’ve ever been from home and not knowing what you had to cover yourself. Stressed was not the word. But I was determined to go and make it work. That gate agent was not going to get the best of me.
In Morrocco I realized that I had no underwear and a true lack of toiletries. Thank God for the airport Victoria’s Secret and the abundance of Shea Butter options once arrived. Upon further investigation it was very clear that I only had 5 days worth of clothes but it was Ghana people! Did I have a “Dope in Reallife” outfit for everyday? Absolutely did not. Did anyone in Ghana care? Absolutely did not. Did I undoubtedly have the best time ever? You damn right I did. On this trip I realized that what was in my bag made absolutely no difference at all. Every experience was beyond worth it.
Though this trip alone did not cure me of over packing I realized alot about what it means to enjoy an experience and that materialistic items are not the necessity we make it. I have learned how to organize my looks and really plan accordingly. I have tried the packing cubes before and will attest that they are not for me. Just not worth the wrinkles when going over seas, especially when an iron or washcloth does not always come standard. I really am just more realistic about what I’m packing now. I definitely plan all my looks and try to organize as much as possible. I also do not pack until the night before or even closer to departure time. I do this because at that point there is no time left for me to overpack with the “just in case” options. And lastly I work extremely hard to make sure I get to the airport on time…..but that’s another post for another day. LOL